Friday, June 19, 2020

What Made The American Revolution - Free Essay Example

What made the American Revolution, so revolutionary was the independence America gained after defeating Great Britain, and the disappearance of nobility thereafter. Because America had won the war, change had swept the nation unlike ever before. America officially becoming a republic after breaking away from Great Britain, which at the time of the revolution had been a constitutional monarchy. Although slavery still continued, free black men were allowed the right to vote. Furthermore, as an independent nation America no longer had to comply with the regulations of Navigation Acts. As a result of newfound independence, America broke away from Great Britain becoming a democracy, allowing people the right to vote, and no longer having to abide by the Navigation Acts, changing America from a colony to a nation. After the Revolutionary War, political structures in America began to change. Due to America breaking away from Great Britain and adopting a new political system, a republic. Additionally, it allowed free blacks and white males the right to vote, although it typically was rich white males that would vote. At the same time nobility had started to quickly disappear seeing that Great Britain had lost the war with America, no longer holding the same power they once did during Colonial America. On top of that there is also the Royal Proclamation of 1763, an event in Colonial America that had changed, because of the revolution. To begin with, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 was the halt of westward expansion into West America by the British. Specifically, to avoid further confrontation with Native Americans and to focus more on trade, dismissing the American desire to expand west. With the Royal Proclamation ending after American independence, countless Americans strived to gain land outside the thirteen colonies. Notably, at the same time of these political changes the roles of women remained the same. Therefore, it is clear that after the Revolutionary War, there were important political changes such as Americas new republic, the right to vote, the receding of nobility, and the Royal Proclamation of 1763 but, the role of women had stayed the same and for the most part blacks as well. Not only did America experience political change strongly but changed economically as well. In fact Americans no longer had to follow the Navigation Acts, a series of English laws issued in 1651 that regulated trade between English ships and other countries, namely the Dutch. Therefore America could trade with whoever they pleased. However not all change was good considering that America had thrown itself into debts, having spent all their money towards the war effort. Among economic problems was the Articles of Confederation, drafted by Congress in 1777, which allowed Congress to coin money but lacked the power to collect taxes and regulate commerce. Although multiple economic structures changed slavery had stayed the same due to it being an important part of the economy and American society. Which consisted of three distinct slave systems, tobacco based, rice-based, and non plantation, well-established in the colonial era. Tobacco based plantation slavery and the Chesapeake made up of large planters, yeoman farmers, indentured servants, and slaves. Rice-based Plantation slavery in South Carolina and Georgia focusing on the production of rice with a high number of slaves. On the other hand in non plantation societies, slavery was less important seeing that slaves did not pose a threat to the white majority. Even though slavery is an economic structure it is also a social or cultural structure. Since the most common aspect African-Americans shared was not origin, race, or even language, but in fact slavery. In the Chesapeake, slaves learn English, experienced the Great Awakening, and were laid bare to white culture. In South Carolina and Georgia slave communities maintained notable African cultural aspects such as, child naming and language. It is also important to note that some things did change socially, but not to the degree that it did politically. Though slavery stayed, the significance on the status of slavery began to change. The revolution having exposed the irony of Americans crying out for liberty while they had been enslaving countless Africans before and during the war. In fact in the North steps were taken between 1777 and 1804 toward emancipation, the process of being freed from legal social and political restrictions. After the war free black communities emerged along with the arrival of their own churches, schools, and leaders. Also free blacks were allowed to the right to vote but because of the Three-Fifths Clause they were represented as not a whole person but as three fifths of one. The roles of women from the colonial era up to the Early Republic how little change. For instance go coverture, the legal Authority the husband had over the wife, remained untouched in the new nation. Legally and socially women lacked the opportunity for solvency bus like the qualification of political participation such as the right to vote. Women played an important role by training future citizens or otherwise known as children. Furthermore despite changes after the Revolutionary War politics has still remained a mans world.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

How to Write an Effective Psychology Research Paper

How to Write an Effective Psychology Research PaperAs far as the degree of difficulty in the psychology research paper writing process is concerned, it depends on what type of psychology research you are doing. Here are a few tips that can help you write a good report for your major subject area.When you are writing your psychology research paper, it is important to realize that it will be read by others who are also interested in the topic you are writing about. This is one of the most important factors you need to remember when writing your paper. Make sure you get your point across in a way that is easy to understand and remember by others.The essay involves a great deal of information and details that may make it hard to put together into an entire paper without sacrificing too much of the quality of the paper. If this is something that you need to worry about, you can either write smaller pieces, or use the software that is available to help you work on it in your spare time. Yo u might want to make use of an online essay editor such as Writer's Web to make sure you have all the information you need to keep your paper as good as possible. You can write an essay that only takes you several hours if you really don't have enough time.With the help of an online essay editor, you can edit your essay and ensure that it flows well and easily. Not only does it help you make sure your paper flows smoothly, but it can also help you prepare an outline and find the best way to approach each part of the essay. An online editor can also help you format the paper and do other things to make it look professional.It is usually advised that you keep your essay brief and just focus on certain topics in your paper. In order to do this, you should make use of the free software that is available for your ease of use. Most people prefer software that is available for free since they want to give something back to the software developer or company that provided them with the softw are.You can also make sure that you include enough content on your paper to avoid plagiarism. Make sure that you take all the necessary steps to prevent yourself from committing this offense. If you do commit it, it is strongly recommended that you get yourself help from a professional in the field to protect yourself.The research paper writing process is not as difficult as it might seem. Just make sure that you know how to properly prepare your essay and that you take care of all the details before you even start writing. There are many things that need to be taken care of in order to make sure that your work gets through the editing process successfully. All you need to do is follow the tips below and make sure that you get the right style of essay that you are looking for.You should always ensure that you are taking the necessary steps to help you produce a paper that is easy to read and understand. It is important that you know what goes into a psychology research paper before you begin. Taking the appropriate steps to prepare a good research paper is a smart move that you should always do.